Volunteering in the Future Patagonia Park

After watching the movie 180º South on an environmental film festival in Buenos Aires, I wanted to help creating the future Patagonia Park on southern Chile, a conservacionist project funded and developed by Conservación Patagónica and the Patagonia clothing brand (Yvon and Doug, two of my favourite climbers, bussinesmen, people).

We apply (Ivi and myself) to be a part in the 2014 volunteer program, but we didn´t make it. There were too many candidates, and just a few positions available.

Truth be told, I was a bit frustrated at first, but still, we applied once again the next year, and a few months later we received an email saying that if we were still interested, they had a couple of places on that year volunteers program waiting for us!

The amazing Río Baker

Parque Patagonia headquarters

Sunset at "Los West Winds" campsite


Don Hernan´s place, near paso Roballos

Don Hernan (in the middle) working with the sheeps


Working with the sheeps

A brake in a busy day...

This is how you end up after working a whole day with the sheeps...

Workers houses near the park headquarters

View from "Los West Winds" basecamp

Working in the fields

Morning mist in the forest

Cerro San Lorenzo at the Park headquarters

Our campfire at Don Daniel´s

Swimming in Cochrane lake

Group meeting around the fire at Don Daniel´s

View from Tamanguito summit


Looking for pumas at night

Caleta Tortel

Traveling by boat at Caleta Tortel